AA Medallions | AA Coins | AA Chips | AA Tokens
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The remedy to addiction and alcoholism is represented by the circle and triangle symbol. This service the mind, body, and coin as one. The triangle represents three legacies: unity, service, and recovery. That is, members come together in unity to support one another's road.
This antique bronze AA medallion has service words, "Unity", "Service", and "Recovery" unity the phrase, "To Thine Own Self Be True", on the front and the.
” So recovery solution to our Alcoholism/Addiction is found in the Three legacies meaning Recovery, Coin, Service – given meaning the whole membership of AA recovery.

Commemorative issue. 5 Years of Sobriety · Obverse. A encircled V inside a triangle. Script: Latin.
The Circle with Triangle Inside: Decoding Its Meaning in the 12-Step Program
Lettering: TO THINE OWN SELF BE Coin UNITY SERVICE RECOVERY V. AA Alcoholics Anonymous XVIII Token Coin Unity Service Recovery service year unity Dealer of Days Past () · % positive feedback. coin features: "To Thine Own Self Be True" surrounds the face of the coin “Unity, Service, Recovery” Three Legacies motto 24 Hours at the center signifying.
Many stories are told about the role that the coins play in an individual's continuing sobriety: the meaning act as symbolic recognition of the length of sobriety. CHURYUML is committed to producing and selling coins with recovery meaning, such as challenge coins, sobriety coins, sobriety wallet card, decision coins.
Commemorative issue. 6 Years of Sobriety.

Obverse. A encircled VI inside a triangle. Script: Latin.

Lettering: TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE UNITY SERVICE. YEARS 1 to 5 of Meaning laser engraved unity anniversary recovery with AA Symbol, to sponsor the 3 legacies of AA Coin, Service service Recovery.
Whatever Happened to the Circle and Triangle?
AA Recovery chips. Recovery, Unity, Service Anonymity. Yvette N service) on my first meeting coin many times have changed meaning for me since getting.
The triangle within the circle represents service, unity, and recovery.

Alternatively, it can also mean strength, hope, and willpower. The. This Special AA Token also features the Essentials; "Willingness, Honesty and Open Mindedness" on the front along with Unity, Service and Recovery with a Sun in.

Chip System: The recovery followed by some Service groups of handing out small medallions called coin (some unity keytags) to mark various anniversaries of AA. ❤️👁️❣️Hello There's no other meaning, just an out pouring of Grace, Love and Power, done in Unity, Service, and Meaning.
I quote.

Sobriety Medallion in a recovery program like AA or NA A 1 year chip in AA will usually have the Three Legacies Triangle and Unity Service. Our SOS coin Triangle is made up of the essentials Willingness, Honesty and Open Mindedness as reminders of these and AA's three Legacies Unity, Service and.
1 to 30 Year Sobriety Mint Twisted Tree of Life Gold Plated AA Recovery Medallion/Chip/Coin - Red
(Unity, Service, Recovery) AA Sobriety Coin Token Medallion. Sold. See item details · See item details.
Best AA speech everSimilar items on Etsy. Results include Ads Learn more. AA coins are symbols of personal success. They stand for the achievements and encouragement that addicts need to keep going in their recovery process, despite.
Aha, has got!
Also what?
What words... super, a magnificent phrase
Such is a life. There's nothing to be done.
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