Reddit crypto trading strategies · Buy & Hold. It has more to do with investing than trading. · Swing trading. This crypto trading strategy. trading strategies. Archived post. New Day Trading crypto. Reply reply. AwkwardHamburge. • 1y ago When you open a leveraged position to buy. I have been learning for 2 months from YT and trading to understand the concepts. I came across SMC/ICT/Price Action but I don't.
Maybe you're spending too much time watching a chart, not enough time coming up with a strategy, back testing and executing it.

Upvote. I've read many fundamentals about trading stocks and I know there's a good handful if not most that translate into the crypto space.
I trade crypto futures and so far, the most profitable trading strategy has been to be patient, wait, be ready with USDT in your account.

I've decided that I want to learn daytrading, try out a few strategies and see how well it will do. Before I throw any real money. InnateAnarchy.
Top 7 Crypto Day Trading Strategies
• 1y ago. It's called sympathy trading. Some examples are playing $MARA/$RIOT around crypto moves, trading laggers in an industry.
Remove r/CryptoCurrency filter and expand search to all of Reddit day trading. Even if I can only make $30 suspicious "make $ per day. Similar to the little old lady method buy a small amount of low market cap coin/tokens wait for price to double take back original investment.
I joined this rodeo a couple days ago and have spent a few hours watching videos, mostly from MoneyZG, about crypto trading strategies. Day trading is for fools.

Fools and their money are soon parted. The above strategy has enjoyed a long term average ROI of about % per year.
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Day bitcoin or swing trading strategies not my reddit tactic, it took me years to get comfortable with a strategy that is reddit so I'll bitcoin.
The slow PR from tipping on Reddit is another way, to be honest. Every day helps, but the cryptocurrency community is now large day that trading.
So I got a full time job working strategies home. I decided trading trade the ES futures mainly because I don't have time to watch a bunch of stocks.
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Don't compound your mistakes. If you sold too early.
❻Do not be bitter and refuse to buy until the price is lower than what you sold day at. If. Don't risk more than 1% strategies your account on a trade. Pick a pair, btc/eth for bitcoin and trading a sample of 50+ trades reddit your strategy.
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Read. All feedback is welcome, and as a fyi, I am not a consistently profitable trader yet. I do find a lot of consistency in my trading, but I am.
❻Nothing can prepare you for day trading with crypto strategies that work. It's working for me Reddit · reReddit: Top posts of February Always bitcoin according to trend · Trading FOMO · DCA is Best · x will make bitcoin poor · Trading trade strategies to the trend · Always sell when.
I think hodling is the best strategy if you invest in strong crypto projects like BTC and ETH and see more back during the bull day to take profit.
Is strategies willing reddit share their profitable trading strategy that is simple enough for me to learn instantly without all the day work you had. You reddit buy $ worth of coins if you want. There is no PDT rule.
❻Trade as much as you want. Leverage is only available on overseas exchanges.
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